

How the Adjusting Bench and Orthotics Work Hand-in-Hand

Back pain can be debilitating. It can make it difficult to move, stand, or even sit. For some people, the pain is so severe that it interferes with their ability to live everyday life. There are many causes for your pain, including injuries, muscle strains, and degenerative conditions. Treatment depends on the cause of the pain and can range from over-the-counter medications to surgery.

If you have debilitating back pain, you may want to consider lying on an adjusting bench. Adjusting benches provide relief by aligning your spine and relieving pressure on your joints and muscles. Of course, you would need the expertise of a chiropractor.

If the misalignment of your lower extremities causes your back pain, you may want to seek another chiropractic solution. Various chiropractic techniques can align the lower extremities, and your chiropractor can determine which is best for you.

How does Chiropractic Care Connect with Orthotics?

Orthotics support, align, prevent, or correct body deformities or functional problems. They are often used to treat conditions such as Flat Foot, Achilles Tendonitis, Bunions, and Plantar Fasciitis.

Several studies suggest that chiropractic care can be effective for many of the same conditions that orthotics treat. Some research shows that chiropractic care can be as effective as orthotic devices in treating these conditions.

One of the main ways that chiropractic care connects with orthotics is by treating the bones and joints of the feet. The feet are the foundation of the body, and when they are not correctly aligned, it can lead to problems throughout the body. Chiropractors can identify and correct these problems.

Another way that chiropractic care connects with orthotics is by treating the feet’ muscles and ligaments. When these muscles and ligaments are tight, it can lead to problems with the alignment of the bones and joints. Chiropractors are trained to identify and release these tense muscles and ligaments.

Finally, chiropractic care connects with orthotics by treating the nervous system, which controls all of the functions of the body, including the alignment of the bones and joints. When there is a problem with the nervous system, it can lead to problems with the alignment of the bones and joints. Chiropractors can identify and correct these problems.

You might want to use orthotics after your adjusting bench session to help keep your feet aligned and improve your overall balance. It can help prevent injuries and keep you more comfortable while you adjust. Orthotics can help to correct any misalignment in your spine and pelvis, which can lead to pain and other problems.

How You Can Benefit from Foot Orthotics

Orthotics can also help to improve your balance and alignment. If you have a problem with your gait, orthotics can help to correct it. And if you have problems with your feet sliding forward in your shoes, orthotics can help to keep your feet in place.

Orthotics are an excellent way to reduce pain and improve the function of your feet. Talk to your doctor or podiatrist if you think orthotics might be right for you. They can help you decide if orthotics are right for you and fit you for a pair of custom orthotics.


Orthotics and adjusting bench work together to provide patients with the best care. Orthotics can correct the alignment of the bones and joints, while the adjusting bench helps to improve the range of motion and flexibility.

If you want relief from back pain, you should shop at Chiro1Source. We provide an adjusting bench and other chiropractic devices that can alleviate your aches. Do not put yourself in additional pain, so shop now!