

Get More Time Back in Your Day – Scroll Less With a Smart Phone Detox!

I could easily spend all day scrolling on my cellphone, doing nothing but answering emails, responding to texts, and checking social media. Sometimes, it’s incredibly tempting to do this, especially when my notifications go off nonstop! But I know it’s not healthy.

The more time I spend on my phone, the less time I have to get work done, move my body, and hang out with Bennett and Marah. If you’re in a constant battle with your phone, too, try one (or more) of these digital detox strategies to take your day back.

  1. Move your charger out of the bedroom. This is a quick and easy step, but it works! Moving your charger out of the bedroom will help you avoid checking your phone before bed or when you first wake up.
  2. Start a ‘plug it in’ habit. When Marah gets home, she immediately plugs her phone into the charger and leaves it there. If your phone isn’t in your pocket, you won’t be distracted by notifications or default to scrolling out of boredom.
  3. Establish a phone-free room. One of my favorite business mentors, Ed Mylett, has a room in his home where no technology is allowed. You can try this in your living room or kitchen to ensure you’re present and focused in those spaces.
  4. Experiment with app blockers. TIME magazine suggests using apps like “Freedom” or “OFFTIME” to control your access to other tempting apps like Instagram, Facebook, or email. You can shut down your most addicting apps at the same time each day or remove the temptation for a few hours while you work.
  5. Create a text auto-responder. This is another TIME suggestion. If you’ve committed to setting your phone aside during dinner or after 8 p.m., set up an automatic response to text messages so you don’t feel guilty about ignoring people.

These strategies helped me become more cognizant of my cellphone usage and resist the urge to scroll. Now, I can check my messages mindfully and put the phone back down instead of staying glued to the screen! If you try these tips, you’ll get your time back and feel happier, healthier, and more productive.

-Josh Walker