

Read This Book Over The Holidays! ‘The Power of One More’ Changed My Outlook on Life

I don’t stay up late to read very often, but when I bought Ed Mylett’s new book, “The Power of One More,” I couldn’t put it down. Every page brought me deeper into Ed’s childhood, and the story was so intense that sometimes I had to pause and look up from the page.

Ed Mylett is a super-successful businessman. He’s one of my favorite podcasters, authors, and YouTube personalities. But as a kid, he was a totally different person. He was trapped in a house with his alcoholic father for 15 years.

Ed wrote that when his dad had a bad day at work, he’d go straight to the liquor cabinet when he got home and start taking shots — unless Ed managed to distract him and put him in a better mood. Those terrifying nights taught Ed how to read people in seconds and shift their state of mind. He honed his emotional intelligence and talent for persuasion, both of which made him a great businessman and speaker down the road.

When Ed was 15, his dad finally got sober and stayed sober for more than 30 years. After that, he was more of an inspiration than a curse. In the book, Ed writes about asking his dad, “Are you going to stop drinking forever?” His dad replied, “I’m going to do it for one more day.”

“One more” became Ed’s mantra and eventually the book’s title. His dad recently passed away, but Ed still brings his mantra to everything he does. When he works out, he pushes himself to do one more rep. At the sales desk, he convinces himself to make one more call. He’s always fighting to record one more podcast or write for one more hour.

Ed also asks other questions in the book that hit home for me: What would you do if you just had one more day? How would you live your life? What is really important? He talks about the value of living in the moment and being present with the people you love.

Reading “The Power of One More” inspired me so much that I bought copies for the whole Chiro1Source team. I asked them all to read it and report back with two things they learned. Hopefully, the book helps all of us work a little harder and be a little more present. I’ve been working on that myself at home. Instead of answering work emails during dinner or while I’m playing with Bennett, I try to set my phone aside and be present with him and Marah.

I highly recommend checking out “The Power of One More,” Ed’s YouTube Channel, and his podcast, “The Ed Mylett Show.” I think “The Ed Mylett Show” is the best business podcast out there. Ed interviews people at the top of their game in various industries, including sports, science, politics, and business.

I always learn a lot when I listen to Ed, and I love that even though he’s a big, super-jacked, masculine guy, he’s really in touch with his emotions and empathetic to people around him. Once on the podcast, he joked that he makes his family take an IQ test every year, and his IQ is always the lowest. “But,” he said, “at least I know how to connect with people.” Which of those two things is actually more important?

Do yourself a favor and pick up “The Power of One More” if you’re looking for something to read over the holidays. I promise you won’t be disappointed!