

3 Tricks to Boost Your Summer Revenue – How to Fight Summer Slowdowns in Your Business.

Summer can be a challenging season for chiropractic businesses. Patients tend to take more vacations this time of year and prioritize summer fun over investing in their health. If you’ve seen a seasonal slump over the last few months because of this, try using these trips to reenergize your customer base and boost your revenue.

  1. Invest in seasonal products. Instead of fighting against summer, lean into it by selling seasonal products in your clinic! Through the end of August and into September, emphasize cryotherapy with products like Headache Ice Pillows, ColPac Cold Therapy Packs, kid-friendly Happy Healers Penguin Ice Packs, and VibraCool vibrating cryotherapy bands (which combine ice and massage to reduce muscle stiffness). Patients won’t be able to resist buying these cooling products to beat the heat. Colorful flip-flops and slides from Archies also sell like gangbusters during the summer months, and all of these products are available at
  2. Hop on a viral trend. Archies flip-flops aren’t just seasonally appropriate — they’re also a “fan favorite” product in a niche that has seen exponential growth for chiropractors year-over-year. Right now, chiropractors who sell Archies are running out more quickly than ever because their patients love choosing from Archies’ new menu showcasing all of the brand’s different colors and styles. If your revenue is slumping, stocking up on these bestsellers will help boost your sales. You’ll also be helping your patients by swapping out their posture-ruining flip-flops for a high-quality option with almost an inch of orthotic support.
  3. Capture and share patient videos. When a patient purchases a product from you and loves it, ask if you can film a quick 10–15 second video of them talking about the product and why they like it during their next appointment. From there, you can share these videos on your website and social media pages! This social proof will encourage more patients to buy from you and boost your overall sales.

If you use these tips, you can still turn your summer slump around.