
Chiro1Source_Biofreeze_ What Is It And How Can My Patients Benefit From It_

Biofreeze: What Is It and How Can My Patients Benefit From It?

If you’re a chiropractor looking for a natural and effective way to help patients find pain relief, Biofreeze could be the answer. This remarkable product not only eases discomfort but also tackles inflammation, reduces swelling, and provides temporary relief by calming nerve activity.

What is Biofreeze?

Biofreeze is a topical pain relief product that relieves various muscular and joint discomfort. It comes in a few different forms, including gels, roll-ons, sprays, and creams, offering users a versatile and effective solution for temporary pain relief.

Biofreeze’s key active ingredient is menthol, which creates a cooling sensation on the skin and helps alleviate pain by numbing the affected area.

The easiest way to explain how Biofreeze works is through “Gate Control Theory,” the idea that when the body experiences stress or injury, specific receptors send pain signals to the brain via the spinal cord. But when you apply Biofreeze, you create a cold sensation that overrides pain signals and provides fast relief. 

Why Choose Biofreeze Over Traditional Pain Relief Methods? 

Biofreeze offers several advantages over traditional methods of pain relief. First, unlike oral pain medications that can have side effects, Biofreeze is applied directly to the affected area, providing more targeted relief.

Second, Biofreeze utilizes a cold therapy approach, which helps reduce inflammation and swelling, which is particularly effective for muscle strains or joint discomfort.

Additionally, Biofreeze is convenient, mess-free, and easy to apply. It comes in various forms, including gels, roll-ons, sprays, and creams, allowing patients to choose the format that suits their preferences.

It’s also worth mentioning many patients can use Biofreeze, including those who may be sensitive to or cannot take oral medications. In short, Biofreeze is a non-systemic treatment option, making it accessible to a broader patient demographic.

Rapid Relief 

One significant benefit of Biofreeze is that it works quickly, often providing relief within minutes of application. This rapid action can be especially comforting for patients who need fast-acting relief. 

No Prescription Required

Another advantage is that Biofreeze is available over-the-counter, making it easily accessible to patients whose condition is not severe enough to require a visit to your office. This accessibility can save time and streamline the pain management process.


Biofreeze can also be used to address a wide range of pain issues, including muscle soreness, arthritis, sports injuries, and everyday aches and pains. Its versatility makes it ideal for treating a wide variety of patient needs. 


The effects of Biofreeze can last for hours, providing patients with extended pain relief, which may reduce the frequency of applications throughout the day.

Chiro1Source: The Premier Choice in Chiropractic Supplies 

For over 22 years, Chiro1Source has been the go-to supply partner for all things chiropractic. Our mission? To make your life easier. We offer a diverse product line, from clinical supplies to pillows and more, all aimed at boosting patient recovery and your practice’s bottom line. Explore our diverse range of products now!