
Chiro1Source_The Benefits Of Chiropractic With Electrical Muscle Stimulation

The Benefits Of Chiropractic With Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Traditional chiropractic methods like spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy are highly effective. However, there are situations where chiropractors need to explore alternative or supplemental treatment plans for their patients.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) offers an advanced option beyond basic alignment, addressing underlying muscular dysfunctions—the culprits behind everyday aches and pains. If you’re considering EMS, our guide will answer some of the most common questions we encounter.

What is EMS? 

EMS treatment works by sending low-level electrical currents to specific muscle areas. This non-invasive and painless treatment effectively treats localized pain or weakness.

By focusing on nerves within the injured area and delivering targeted electrical impulses, EMS stimulates muscle activity, promotes blood circulation, and alleviates nerve-related discomfort and pain.

It’s worth noting that this therapy is popular among athletes for its ability to enhance muscle recovery and reduce pain, making it a valuable tool in both rehabilitation and high-performance training contexts.

What Can I Expect From an EMS Session? 

At the start of an EMS session, the chiropractor attaches electrode pads to the patient’s skin over the affected soft tissue. These electrodes are then connected to an electrical stimulation device. Through this device, the electrodes deliver brief electric impulses. The intensity of these impulses can be adjusted based on the device’s settings, the area being treated, and the patient’s preference.

This repetitive motion of contracting and relaxing muscles serves a dual purpose. It not only strengthens and promotes the healing of soft tissues—especially muscles that may be weakened, shortened, or injured—but also interferes with the activity of pain receptors. This interference effectively blocks the transmission of pain signals from the injury site to the brain.

Is EMS Safe? 

Some patients may have reservations about EMS and wonder if it is safe. Rest assured, EMS is indeed deemed safe.

The devices used in EMS are carefully regulated and designed to ensure that the electrical impulses they deliver are within safe limits. Side effects are rare. If patients experience any, they are generally minimal, with mild skin irritation—typically a reaction to the adhesive on the electrode. 

Most patients hardly notice the muscle contractions during EMS therapy. Many even find EMS to be incredibly relaxing.

What Does EMS Treat? 

EMS is a versatile treatment method used to treat many conditions, including:

Chronic Pain: EMS effectively manages pain, including chronic conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and joint pain.

Muscle Weakness: EMS can strengthen weakened muscles, especially after injuries, surgery, or prolonged periods of inactivity. 

Muscle Spasms: EMS can alleviate muscle spasms and cramps by promoting muscle relaxation and reducing involuntary contractions.

Sports Injuries: Athletes use EMS to enhance muscle recovery and reduce soreness after strenuous physical activity.

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